Glacier Falls
by Robert Bissett
Buy the Original Painting
9.000 x 12.000 x 0.100 inches
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Glacier Falls
Robert Bissett
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Inspired by a trip to Glacier Park a few years ago. The creek that flows out of Lake McDonald. High key and misty looking effect with water miscible oils. A demo for Evergreen Art Asso. in Newport, WA. May 9, 2011. This has a viewing distance of ten feet plus at which point all the suggestion becomes reality in the eye of the viewer.
May 9th, 2011
Comments (2)
Robert Bissett
Good question Barbara. I started the demo by saying we should experiment as artist trying new things as a way to learn and improve. I said I would be keeping John Twachtman's work in mind for style. His style varied widely during his career, but I was interested in the soft, tonalist style he used after studying in Paris 1883-1885. It seems as though he was trying to see how far he could push misty, soft-edged suggestion and still have a landscape that reads. After the demo people came up close and were surprised to see little or nothing there when back at their seat it looked complete!